I WAS horrified by the proposed siting of a big wheel in York.

I am aware that living so near, I could be accused of "not in my back yard" prejudice, but how can there be any justification in eclipsing Clifford's Tower, one of the most historically and visually striking buildings in York, and one which combines so well with the Georgian law courts.

Then there is the loss of trees that this would require.

The claim it would attract 250,000 extra tourists is hard to justify, and your editorial suggesting that it would be a fabulous vantage point to watch the Royal Ascot races is stupid. How could you if you were at the bottom of the wheel?

Use your influence to have this decision reconsidered or, at least, place it further from the city centre.

How about Knavesmire itself?

Catherine Tile,

Tower Place,


Updated: 11:39 Friday, February 04, 2005