A ferris wheel for York seems to be a very good idea in principle.

However, I suggest a much better site than the one proposed in Tower Gardens, next to the River Ouse, would be in the car park, next to Clifford's Tower.

York needs a city centre open space which could be used for larger civic and tourist events. A ferris wheel would seem to fit this very nicely, particularly because it is only proposed to have it for a few months.

Because the Coppergate Riverside development is now being discussed again by the council, perhaps a trial period with the wheel may help ensure this very important development site is the best for the city in general and not just the developers.

Another side benefit would be that no trees would need to be chopped down, which would be the case in the Tower Gardens

Stuart Wilson,

Vesper Drive, Acomb, York.

Updated: 11:39 Friday, February 04, 2005