IN response to the views of Mrs Pierotti about buggies on buses (Letters, January 28), I say parents have as much right as anyone else to travel on buses with their children.

It would be a lot harder for them if they had to gather all the shopping, load it on to the bus, unstrap the child and take them out of the pushchair, collapse the pushchair carry it on to the bus, then pay the driver before sitting down for their journey.

Not only would the driver be cursing under his or her breath, so would all the passengers waiting on the bus.

On their windows buses advertise that they are buggy-friendly. For some families buses are the only way they can travel around the city.

I am fortunate, I have a car to get around in or, weather permitting, I walk with my year-old son.

If it upsets you that much, Mrs Pierotti, maybe it would be easier if you took your own advice and... walk.

Mrs Suzanna Boyes,

Wharnscliffe Drive,

Clifton Moor, York.

Updated: 11:41 Friday, February 04, 2005