A MYSTERY benefactor is prepared to dig deep and stump up a £500 reward to catch the "low-life scum" who deliberately pushed a wheelchair-bound five-year-old into a busy road.

The man, from Huntington - who did not wish to be named - made the generous offer after reading about the sickening attack on defenceless Lucy Branton in the Evening Press.

Lucy's mum, Leeann, today said she was bowled over by the offer.

The Clifton resident, still recovering from Monday night's ordeal, said: "I think it's wonderful. It just shows that there are some nice people out there."

The anonymous benefactor said he was spurred on to help catch the thugs because he feared for the safety of his daughter and young grandson.

"I am a normal working man, but I feel so strongly about this," he said. "Scumbags like that want catching and I have a few quid saved up. I'm not looking for glory."

The benefactor stressed that the reward could only be claimed if a conviction came as a direct result of information supplied after this appeal.

Mrs Branton said the offer was very generous - and admitted "all her hopes were pinned" on catching the callous culprits.

The three youths left the scene laughing as Lucy, who has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, lay helpless in the road after her mother was wrestled into a hedge in an attempt to steal her handbag.

The specially-adapted wheelchair in which Lucy was harnessed tipped over after one of the gang grabbed the chair and deliberately pushed it into the road in Water Lane, Clifton. The attack led to Lucy's mother branding the attackers "low-life scum".

Mrs Branton, praising the benefactor, said: "That's so nice of him.

"We thought about a reward, but we haven't got any spare cash. All my hopes are pinned on the police catching the people who did this. I don't know what I will do if they don't. Lucy's still not sleeping and she's really quiet."

Police today declined to comment on the reward money.

A spokesman said no arrests had been made so far in the case. He confirmed that he was not aware of any CCTV footage being available at this stage, capturing the attack or identifying the attackers.

Police still want to trace the gang, particularly the ringleader who tried to rob Mrs Branton and pushed Lucy into the road.

He is about 16 years old, white, about 5ft 10in tall with cropped hair and was thin. He had patchy ginger hair on his chin and was wearing dark, shiny tracksuit bottoms with a grey stripe down each leg.

Anyone with information about the incident, which happened at 6.30pm on Monday, should phone acting Detective Constable Lee Boyeson on 08456 060247.

Updated: 10:00 Friday, February 04, 2005