THIS is how York's Foss Islands waste disposal site will look, following its transformation into a major retail park.

The artist's impression was released today, following a decision by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister not to call in the multi-million pound scheme for a public inquiry.

Little remains of the existing site in this vision, other than the distinctive tall chimney, which is a listed building.

Developers Keyland Gregory (Retail) Limited say construction work on the 14.5-acre complex will start next January, following the relocation of the council's waste disposal depot to James Street.

The retail park, which is set to include York's first Morrisons supermarket, is due to be completed by early 2007.

Keyland said the project, which will create hundreds of jobs, was one of the biggest new retail developments taking place in the north of England.

A new link road will also connect James Street and Heworth Green, alleviating pressure on Foss Islands Road.

A Keyland spokesman revealed that detailed discussions were well advanced with a second national retailer, which will anchor the project along with Wm Morrison Supermarkets, whose owner, Ken Morrison, lives near Boroughbridge.

He said the scheme would include:

An 82,000 square foot Morrisons supermarket

A terrace of retail units ranging from 10,000 to 75,000 sq ft, intended for bulky retailers

A 4,000 sq ft restaurant

600 car parking spaces

A bus route into the site

A 3.5 metre wide cycle path and pedestrian links to the city centre.

Keyland spokesman Richard Tovey said: "We are delighted with this decision, as we have been working on the project for over five years. This now means that the scheme can move ahead within the next few months."

He said the development was the first and only retail park to be situated so close to the city centre. He said: "As such, it will encourage city shoppers to frequent the supermarket and other 'bulky' retail outlets via a very short car or bus journey or on foot or bike.

Morrisons submitted a detailed planning application for a new store to the council last month. Its proposals include a petrol filling station.

Updated: 15:26 Friday, February 04, 2005