YORK council leader Steve Galloway has strongly hit back at claims that not enough work has been done to make Royal Ascot a success.

Coun Galloway accused "some people" of having a "vested interest" in the failure of the prestigious racing event.

The Liberal Democrat told the Evening Press he was responding to "pessimistic" comments by Labour leader Dave Merrett and his fellow ward councillors that the council was leaving the mammoth task of organising the event to the last minute.

The Press has reported that only 123 out of 470 tasks on the council's Ascot "to-do" list had been completed or were under way.

Coun Merrett said it was worrying that the council was only now appointing a special officer to oversee the five-day festival.

But Bill Woolley, the council's director of environment and development services, told a meeting of the council's ruling executive that work to organise Royal Ascot was "moving apace".

He said candidates for the post of Ascot officer were being interviewed, with a view to a rapid appointment.

Coun Galloway, pictured, said the council had completed what work it could so far.

"I'm aware that there are some people who have a vested interest in this event failing," he said.

"They would, for their own political reasons, want some kind of failure. Some comments that have been made are particularly disappointing.

"There's a rising tide of excitement and optimism about the event and we will ignore those who are negative."

He said it was "absolutely essential" that York residents were kept in touch with plans for the event, adding that a special edition of the council's newsletter, Your City, would be published nearer the time.

This will include maps and transport arrangements that will be in operation during Ascot week.

Coun Sandy Fraser, Labour member for Micklegate ward, said claims the group wanted Ascot to fail were "nonsense".

"We want Ascot to be a success," he said.

"We want it to help expand the York economy and promote the city, but that shouldn't be at the expense of residents."

Updated: 08:56 Friday, February 04, 2005