I ASK your readers to help me in my attempts to complete a research project.

I am keen to hear from people who worked for Rowntree's (pre-Nestl) who can give some insight into the attitude of this massive employer towards its workforce in sickness and in health, its housing programmes, parks, and how this strengthened Rowntree's philosophy of employer ethics.

If readers can help with the following questions I should be very grateful and will respond to everyone who takes the time to write.

How many people in your family worked for Rowntree's?

How did the factory encourage you socially outside of work?

Do you feel the benefits of working for Rowntree's were generous/adequate/less than generous?

Do you feel Rowntree's, as a family firm, changed the shape of York? If so, how?

Do you feel that the decline of York's manufacturing heritage has made the city change? If so, how?

If you could turn back the clock, what lasting memory of Rowntree's would you have? Please include any anecdotes or personal stories.

R Baldwin,

1 The Cottage,

High Street,

Barton Le Street,

Malton. YO17 6PJ.

Updated: 11:33 Thursday, February 03, 2005