IN response to Mike Laycock's report about the Barbican climbing wall (February 1), I agree that the council has treated York climbers unfairly.

I learned to climb on the Barbican wall, as did many of my friends, and it started what I hope will be a lifelong interest in the sport. We were upset when the wall closed, but were promised an alternative venue in York. We contacted City of York Council and were told there were no alternative climbing venues in the city. So I was surprised to find that Bootham appears to be accepting "school groups from across the city".

Perhaps you could tell me which schools are using this facility, because neither I nor any of my friends from the local state schools have been offered this chance. Along with most of my friends I am still in school and find it difficult getting transport to an alternative venue so we are unable to climb at all.

I hope the wall at Bootham will soon be opened to the public. Gemma Douglas,

Laburnum Garth, York.

Updated: 11:33 Thursday, February 03, 2005