MR Abbott clearly does not understand the ward committee budget process (Letters, January 27).

The current Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward committee newsletter reports the results of the recent postal ballot which allowed all residents in the ward to vote for their priorities from a list of schemes suggested by residents themselves.

I hope Mr Abbott took the opportunity to participate in that ballot.

For residents to have as much information as possible the ward committee meeting in October invited organisations to attend and outline the work they do and how any money could be spent.

The final budget will be approved at the next ward committee meeting and will, as always, reflect residents' priorities rather than those of the ward councillors.

Mr Abbott may be interested to know that in this financial year 15 of the 18 ward committees choose to spend money on a community patrol scheme and voting city-wide for next year shows similar support. During the time security patrols have operated in this ward we have always received positive feedback because they are often able to target problem areas and prevent anti-social behaviour becoming a problem. We have no problem supporting the choices residents have made in allocating cash for the coming financial year.

Coun Ann Reid, Coun Sue Sunderland and Coun Tom Holvey,

Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward, York.

Updated: 11:33 Thursday, February 03, 2005