YOU reported a road traffic accident on the Wigginton Road (January 19). The accident happened on Tuesday, January 18, at about 3.30pm.

My husband and myself, with our dog, were the other party involved.

We thank the people who stopped to help us and, after calling the emergency services, stayed to look after us.

We also thank the police, ambulance crew and fire brigade who were all so helpful and attentive throughout.

We were taken to York Hospital and looked after in the A&E Department. Apart from whiplash and seatbelt injuries, I was diagnosed with a broken breastbone.

We appreciated the kindness and help given to us by all concerned in what was a horrific experience. We are grateful to be alive.

Our lessons from this experience are: seatbelts and airbags are critical - we would have been killed without them - human kindness is still alive and kicking and our emergency services are worth every penny... and more.

Arnie and Kate MacLaren and Fluff,

Cedarwood Close,

Foxwood Hill, York.

Updated: 11:34 Thursday, February 03, 2005