I HAVE kept silent about the debacle which is the £26 million reserves of North Yorkshire Police.

But after the chief constable's letter ('Budget decision', January 27) I feel I must write and express my views.

I suppose the North Yorkshire Police Authority just plucks a figure from the air and then demands it of us, with no reference to what the chief constable wants?

And I think I know what will be the next occupation of our beloved chief constable - a politician. She already knows how to pass the buck, dodge the issue, say one thing and do another, so what more can anyone ask of their local politician?

I suggest that truths are told to the common (and I use that word advisedly) people, and we are allowed to judge our so-called leaders on these truths and nothing else. I too will be withholding my part of the police precept this year - all of it, not just the percentage rise.

Jeremy Banyard,

Bramham Grove,



Updated: 11:35 Thursday, February 03, 2005