AFTER reading the Evening Press report about the proposed plans for Royal Ascot we had to voice our opinion.

Along with many other residents of the South Bank area, we have been attending council meetings about the proposed plans and have come to the conclusion that it has been a complete waste of time because we now learn that someone is to be appointed to organise it.

The article stated that some of the tasks to do include street cleaning, roadside improvements in the Knavesmire area etc.

If York council were doing its job properly in the first place these are jobs that should be done on a regular basis, not when thousands of people are descending on Knavesmire. They will not be the slightest bit interested in the state of the road or whether the streets are cleaned.

It is a pity the £20,000 set aside for bits of cloth flapping in the wind cannot be put to better use for the people of York. I hope the city council gets it right for Ascot otherwise we will have a complete mess and the residents of South Bank will bear the brunt of it.

J Neale and W Brayshaw,

Jamieson Terrace,

South Bank, York.

Updated: 11:35 Thursday, February 03, 2005