I AM a mother of two young children. Like many other mums, I would rather walk into town than meet the sour-faced people who sit on the front seats of the bus (in seats which are clearly marked as being for use by those with pushchairs and wheelchairs), and who tut when they have to move.

It's not always possible to walk three or four miles into town and back with a baby in a pushchair and another child who would have to walk. Many mothers have to rush back to collect other children from schools and do not have the time to walk such a distance. Why should they be forced to endure the bad weather when everyone else is dry and warm on the bus?

As for the pushchair taking up too much space on the bus, I pay £2.30 for my ticket and £1 for my daughter, which, in total, is six times greater than some sections of the community would pay for their tickets.

This is the 21st century not the 1960s. Facilities on public transport have changed for the better and, if some people are so upset about prams and pushchairs being on buses, maybe they should walk because the "buggy brigade" is here to stay.

Maria Tyssen,

Keble Park North,



Updated: 11:13 Wednesday, February 02, 2005