STAFF and pupils at a York school celebrated the life of a much-loved teacher and friend with a memorial service.

Lesley Butterworth was 53 when she died from a rare blood disease on December 3 last year, having taught at Clifton Green Primary School for more than 20 years.

In that time she had taught hundreds of children and met many parents. Head teacher Sheila Audsley said everyone felt a memorial service would be a fitting tribute to her life.

Lesley's friends and family joined staff, parents and pupils for the memorial service at the school, and a tree was planted in the school grounds in her honour. A classroom has also been dedicated to her.

The service included readings from staff and pupils including ten-year-old Jamie-Lee Anglesmith, who visited Lesley in hospital and wanted to write his own reading to perform.

Sheila Audsley said: "Lesley was a teacher for many years at the school. She was well-known and well-respected by the local community.

"She was a very committed member of staff who always put the children first in whatever she was doing and we will all miss her."

Updated: 10:26 Wednesday, February 02, 2005