THE Diary piece about my fellow letter-writer PR Willey was a thought-provoking reminder to all of us who contribute to these pages.

The debates on this page do sometimes become a little vitriolic, and I have disagreed vehemently in the past with Mr Willey, AP Cox, Liz Edge and especially the "cyclists' nemesis" Mike Usherwood, among others.

Reading of Paul Willey's devotion to our city and to others in his capacity as Street Scene supervisor puts these debates into perspective.

I once had to complain to Street Scene about the public rudeness of a temporary employee. Mr Willey called me back and dealt with the matter quickly, effectively and politely. Top marks!

I was also pleasantly surprised last year to read of Mike Usherwood's work with Yorkshire Air Museum and his fascinating book on local aviation history, an interest of mine.

Ex Councillor Edge's dedication to her community is the stuff of legend, and I'm sure AP Cox is a thoroughly nice chap as well.

So, when our words and opinions get each other hot under the collar, I hope we will all continue to remember that being an idiot on one issue doesn't necessarily mean you're an idiot all-round.

Maybe the Press should hold a social evening for all the letter contributors some time? Just hire some good bouncers!

Andy Scaife,

Suffolk House,

Lowther Terrace, York.

Updated: 11:09 Tuesday, February 01, 2005