IT is unbelievable that after all the controversy over the destruction of the trees at Connaught Court and the tree at Fulford Cross, the council would even contemplate destroying more mature specimens just to make way for a monstrous wheel (January 26).

The Evening Press asks the question, is it suitable for York? But is the council going to consult the citizens, who elected them, about whether they want this blot on the landscape?

The mature trees in Tower Gardens cannot be replaced in many people's lifetime, so why should we lose them for the sake of a temporary aberration?

No doubt York council would be paid handsomely by the owners of this wheel for permission to erect it.

There are no benefits it can possibly bring to York's citizens or tourists that are not already available.

If we need to view York from a great height and indeed the countryside for miles around, we need only go to the top of York Minster without destroying the beauty already here in Tower Gardens.

Mrs W Carter,

Marston Crescent,



Updated: 11:12 Tuesday, February 01, 2005