I WAS quite shocked to see pictures of the proposed observation wheel. I wondered at first if it were a joke.

Is the council seriously thinking of putting such an enormous eyesore so close to Clifford's Tower and the river walk?

We have such a beautiful city which already attracts visitors. Putting an oversized wheel in the historic centre will deter people from coming, not attract them.

If the idea of an observation wheel is a serious suggestion, it should be sited either downriver near the Millennium Bridge, or on Knavesmire where it can compete with the balloon rides over the city.

We are not Birmingham or London; we are a small, beautiful, historic city with a totally different character.

A structure like this would be totally out of place. Please think again!

P M Chapman,

St Swithin's Walk,


Updated: 11:12 Tuesday, February 01, 2005