I'M not against the "Eye", in fact I would like to ride it, it's a great idea. But not in Tower Gardens, one of the few green spaces left in York. Trees are part of our heritage just as much as buildings. How many more must we lose for short-term greed?

The path across the gardens is a popular and safe route from the car park. Where will the queues for the Eye stand? On the grass? Or is it intended to cover everything with Tarmac?

Why not put the "Eye" on the Eye? At least it wouldn't mean losing mature trees.

Why not in St Georges Field? Ah, no! Silly me. That would lose a few parking spaces.

In 11 months the wheel will be no more, the car parking will return, the trees will not.

Please leave Tower Gardens in peace.

J Bradley,

Rectory Gardens,


Updated: 11:12 Tuesday, February 01, 2005