A NEW satisfaction survey has revealed that nearly 60 per cent of residents are happy with York council services.

Guildhall leader Coun Steve Galloway said the fact 59 per cent of people quizzed were happy with the authority's performance showed they thought York council was one of the best in the country.

He said: "We are delighted that the people who matter - our residents - are now saying that York is one of the best councils in the country."

He said the 59 per cent figure for overall service satisfaction was among the highest in the UK. The average score for councils of a similar size is 52 per cent.

Other results from the survey showed residents were happy with waste collection, recycling, council housing, transport information, local bus services, museums and theatres.

But satisfaction levels with sport provision, complaints handling, waste disposal and the benefits service - recently criticised in a damning report - faired less well compared to other councils.

The results come from a 2003/4 BVPI Satisfaction Survey. As part of the Best Value process, all councils in England have to carry out a residents' survey every three years.

A council spokeswoman said the figures were taken from the authority's annual Res Op survey which goes out to 5,000 residents, chosen randomly from the electoral register.

Updated: 10:21 Tuesday, February 01, 2005