RADICAL measures to help first-time homebuyers get on the property ladder have been flagged up by John Prescott.

In a document setting out his five-year vision for Yorkshire and the Humber, the Deputy Prime Minister said: "The region is tackling the problem of collapsing housing markets.

"Yet in some parts of North Yorkshire and the East Riding the average terraced house costs over six times average annual salary."

Mr Prescott did not explain how exactly the problem would be approached, suggesting simply: "We will promote innovative approaches to tackling affordability in hotspots, like the Golden Triangle of Harrogate, York and Leeds."

His report, Sustainable Communities: People, Places And Prosperity, intends to build the foundations of policies designed to foster pride and vibrancy in Yorkshire and the Humber.

His proposals will aim to bolster quality-of-life issues such as the environment, transport, sprucing up parks, local services, poverty and antisocial behaviour.

Rules will also be relaxed to persuade local towns and cities to stage a referendum on whether to replace its council leader with a directly-elected mayor.

Coun Steve Galloway, Liberal Democrat leader of City of York Council, warned this could lead to maverick candidates unable to deliver services. But he backed handing more powers to neighbourhoods provided "responsibilities" went with it, to ensure money was well spent and in line with agreed priorities.

Updated: 10:18 Tuesday, February 01, 2005