It's a tough lineup for the Venturefest business award, which will include a year's free accommodation at York Science Park, £3,000 in cash plus financial, legal and marketing help.

Among the competitors will be:

David Goodall of Paraytec, the University of York chemistry scientists whose miniaturised ultraviolet absorbance detectors could shake up the $25.4 billion scientific instrument market worldwide. It has been seeking £250,000 to move from prototype to production.

Bioflame Ltd of Thirsk, a dynamic environmental technology company which finds new ways of tackling old problems in waste management

Electrical Recycling Company of York which has found a way of surfing new hazardous waste regulations by recycling cathode ray tubes in cast-out televisions and computer monitors

Securability of York, which has developed HoneyTrap, a security device which protects company computer networks from system attackers. It has already attracted equity and loan funding of £200,000.

Antiques, a dedicated Yorkshire-based antiques website offering live auctions and showrooms for dealers and the public.

Web Translations Ltd of Wakefield which translates, localises and promotes English websites for foreign markets.

Numensis of York, which has extended its pre-pay solution for online music providers for different kinds of downloads

Luminary Solutions of Leeds, a software services provider specialising in systems integration which has grown from four to 24 full time staff in just 15 months.

Updated: 11:01 Tuesday, February 01, 2005