PEOPLE power has transformed the Tedder Road and Slessor Road estate in Acomb, York.

For years it was sinking. Derelict former Ministry of Defence homes were a magnet to vandals who inflicted anti-social misery on residents trapped in the middle.

But as one householder puts it today, "the community spirit has always been strong". The residents never stopped fighting.

When the estate hit its lowest ebb, with the yobs adding arson to vandalism and verbal abuse, neighbours got together and petitioned the council for a reduction in council tax and rent. Why should they pay full price to live in a street "that resembles something from the Blitz"?

That request was turned down, but it highlighted the scandalous state of the area. Later, when the youths kept plaguing Tedder and Slessor Roads, residents banded together again. Their "one out - all out" approach confronted the thugs.

Spurred on by this community spirit, the city council and the developers drew up a new future for the estate. The Safer York Partnership deserves credit for taking on board the residents' problems and tackling them.

With the expert security advice of PC Jim Shanks, the partnership has employed good design to ensure criminals can run but they can't hide.

Residents can now enjoy living in Tedder Road and Slessor Road again. They deserve to.

Updated: 11:31 Monday, January 31, 2005