I WRITE to reply to the series of very similar letters relating to noise levels of fireworks.

The issue, which the leisure & heritage executive members advisory panel dealt with last week, related to a petition received by the council about firework events on the racecourse and the potential for limiting the time at which they finished.

As requested by the petitioners, we are working for this to be 10pm. As it turned out, the fireworks events were not just related to the racecourse but private functions and local hotels.

In relation to noise levels of fireworks, the Government has passed legislation limiting the manufacture of fireworks for sale at 120 decibels.

Having consulted with my colleague, Coun Andrew Waller (executive member for environment and sustainability), he has agreed to look into the issue of the level of noise at firework displays.

I do sympathise with people who suffer from unexpected loud noise. In the Huntington and New Earswick area, military helicopters regularly fly over. There have been occasions when they have flown so low as to cause shock and distress to some residents.

The proposed "celebration" of the 400th anniversary of the gunpowder plot is part of a programme of events and festivals being planned by York@Large, a sub-group of Without Walls. York@Large has people from many city organisations who want to enhance the city's programme of festivals.

I suspect that there would be considerable public unease if an attempt were not made to mark this 400th anniversary.

Coun Keith Orrell,

Executive member for leisure & heritage,

City of York Council,

Trent Avenue,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 11:29 Monday, January 31, 2005