IN order to reopen Walmgate Bar and to avoid further damage by high vehicles getting stuck inside it, I offer the following solution.

The outer arch of the barbican is higher than the inner arch of the bar where damage occurs.

I suggest an imitation portcullis be fixed at the top of the inside wall of the outer arch of the barbican, the bottom edge of this portcullis to be at a height lower than the height of the arch of the bar where the damage is caused by high vehicles trying to go through.

This portcullis would be hinged at its top edge so that should a high vehicle try to go through it would strike the lower edge of the portcullis causing it to swing forward so that it would not be damaged, but it would activate a sign warning that the vehicle is too high to negotiate the low arch of the bar in front of it.

The above would be in sympathy with the barbican. In fact it would enhance its historic image. It would make a visual warning impact to the driver of high vehicles.

It would not impede normal traffic and it would save further damage to Walmgate Bar.

R S Scruton,

Palmes Close,

Naburn, York.

Updated: 11:30 Monday, January 31, 2005