YORK City Knights are facing an early season props worry with one banned and another looking at a potentially lengthy injury lay-off.

David Bates has been suspended for three months for a drugs infringement and seasoned pro Craig Forsyth is waiting for specialist news on a suspected broken sternum after taking a hard hit at Hull FC on Wednesday.

The 24-year-old Bates signed from Halifax in the close season shortly after helping Fax beat the Knights in the National League One qualifying final on October 10, and scored his first try for the club in the pre-season friendly against Leeds Rhinos on January 3.

But a urine sample takenimmediately after that Grand Final at Widnes later tested positive for the energy-boosting stimulant ephedrine.

He has now been handed a three-month ban and £100 fine by a Rugby League advisory panel hearing in Leeds.

If Forsyth is also ruled out, it will mean the specialist front row options at Hunting-ton Stadium will be reduced by half from four to two.

Knights head coach Mick Cook said: "Craig Forsyth is being looked at by a specialist on Tuesday. He's got a problem with his sternum and there is a possibility it is a fracture but we are not sure. We'll obviously have a better idea after that."

All three props that played in Wednesday night's friendly ended the game on the bench. Bates was not in the squad which travelled to the KC Stadium.

However, the good news is that Adam Sullivan's shoulder knock has cleared up well, while Yusuf Sozi emerged unscathed from the KC Stadium friendly.

Club bosses were set to meet today to discuss the Bates issue, but regarding Forsyth's possible injury, Cook said he was not in the market for extra back-up.

He said: "We are happy with the ones that we have got at the moment. If someone comes up available then we will have a look but we are not especially looking.

"Providing Craig Forsyth isn't too badly hurt, we should be okay.

"The problem is that even a bruise can stay with you all season because it is constantly under impact in one way or another. It's the part that soaks up the hits in the tackle from the defender and can be painful.

"We just need to see what the specialist says and then take it from there.

"But we have got two weeks until we face Cas to get a better idea and get everything else cleared up."

Elsewhere in the team, full-back Matt Blaymire is due to receive a cortisone injection in a shoulder to sort out a niggle he has carried since September.

Ian Kirke came through the Hull friendly with no ill-effects in his first game since breaking his hand, and although Chris Levy felt a slight twinge in his calf, it was not enough to stop him from playing.

Updated: 10:50 Saturday, January 29, 2005