ANYBODY who has followed the fortunes of York City over the last few years would know precisely why the sponsorship deal with Nestl Rowntree is such a good one.

Any true supporters of City will know that the club is walking a financial tightrope.

For a club like ours, there are only two income streams - gate receipts and sponsorship.

Although we are averaging slightly above the break-even figure for attendances, it is a fact that a sizeable section of supporters have chosen not to follow City this season. Therefore sponsorship deals attain an even greater level of significance.

I think the club board, and Nestl Rowntree, deserve our thanks for creating this deal, which gives City the vital finance to complete the purchase of the ground.

Who would have thought two years ago we would have a supporter-owned club which has been able to regain control of its own destiny regarding its playing arena?

Yes, the new ground name will be hard to bear for some, but let's appreciate the effort, determination and skill of the City board for getting businesses involved in the club while in the lower reaches of the Conference. It must have taken some doing, while balancing family and career demands.

I feel proud to support my local club, and would encourage others to do the same.

Dave Lilley,

Rawcliffe Lane,


Updated: 11:07 Saturday, January 29, 2005