ERIC Ransome's comments, (Evening Press, January 22), about the York City sponsorship arrangement with Nestl Rowntree are annoying.

I find it unbelievable that he can have ever been a supporter of the club.

His views reminded me of the days of the Corinthian spirit, play up, play up and play the game, none of those dastardly professional football player chappies, when players told the referee: "yes ref, it was their throw-in".

Unfortunately that was 120 years ago in the days when the Football Association cared about all the clubs under its umbrella, not just the elite. It was in the time when the chairmen of football clubs could be relied upon not to transfer assets to holding companies for their own benefit.

Regrettable though many of us may find the present situation, this is where we find ourselves. Needs must when the devil drives.

City supporters will have their own thoughts about who the devil or devils are but it certainly isn't the present board or Nestl.

Mr Ransome may want this club to disappear but thankfully many of us do not.

I should like to congratulate the football club board, Jason McGill in particular, on the sponsorship achievement and offer thanks to Nestl for investing in our community football club.

Alan Lowey,

Marshfield Avenue,


Updated: 11:07 Saturday, January 29, 2005