WE had some visitors from Warwickshire last week to play badminton here. As they all snaked past the Odeon with the county's name on their backs, I inquired where their destination was.

They said they had a big competition at the Railway Institute gymnasium. "A wonderful place", said the baggage man. "Nothing like it where we come from."

But I had to remind the gentleman that there would be "nothing like it" here in a few years when York's "teardrop" scheme sees it flattened.

It seems they always go for things that are practical and useful and useable, and replace them with buildings which are not.

I was making a delivery recently to a 90-year-old woman who had been a friend of J B Morrell.

I didn't have the heart to tell her his old house has just been flattened by the bulldozer.

Best keep quiet about that one.

Allan Denney,

Catesby House,

Holgate Road,


Updated: 10:34 Saturday, January 29, 2005