Last Thursday (January 20), common sense prevailed at a planning committee as the decision was taken to quash plans to demolish two fine houses and a bungalow, and for them to be replaced by two blocks of flats at a Tadcaster Road site opposite the delightful single-storey gate house of the National Trust.

This decision was made by an overwhelming majority of the planning committee, which thankfully listened for once to the extremely persuasive justifiable arguments of some of the local residents, including the inimitable ex councillor David Evans.

Thanks to these residents, we will not be faced with another blot on the York landscape. In these days of lack of interest and motivation, where apathy rules, I thank all and everyone concerned in this decision, especially the local residents who were a shining example to us all.

Mrs Carol Richardson,

Drome Road,

Copmanthorpe, York.

Updated: 10:36 Saturday, January 29, 2005