WHY does Hugh Bayley, in his defence of ID cards, give special mention to the "billions" of pounds of benefit fraud that the cards will help cut (January 21)?

Even David Blunkett, while defending the cards in 2002, did not find this argument worth pursuing, claiming "benefit fraud is only a tiny part of the problem in the benefit system".

Using the Department of Work and Pensions' own estimated figures, of the £2 billion total annual benefit fraud, only £50 million is due to false identity. The DSS has also argued against introduction of the cards on cost-saving grounds, as benefit fraud resulting from false identity is so low.

For debunking of the rest of Labour's claims for the cards, visit the fabulous www.no2id.net

Tracy Shippey,

Danum Road,


Updated: 10:36 Saturday, January 29, 2005