SITTING here in Goa, India, my mind frequently travels back to York, my beloved home for nearly 20 years.

I am in constant touch not only with my family and friends, but with what happens in the city via the Evening Press's website, I also monitor the city council's website.

As someone who was involved in the defence of the city against proposals put forward by developers, I was pleased to get involved on the ground floor when the Hungate plans came forward.

With others, I set up Hungate Community Trust. This organisation examined in detail the proposals and gave them our backing.

Time moves on and, obviously, with a new political party in power those plans were then opened up again for closer scrutiny.

Nobody in York wanted another Coppergate fiasco.

With my detailed knowledge, and checking revisions to the original planning brief, I can say that in my opinion the latest offering from the Hungate developers seems a good deal for the city.

I say this as a committed and experienced environmentalist, as a citizen who cares for the city and, although I don't live there any more, my children and grandchildren do.

Gordon Campbell-Thomas


Bardez, Goa, India.

Updated: 10:36 Saturday, January 29, 2005