POOR Tower Gardens. Not only does it have to put up with regular flooding, invasion by geese and being covered with new tarmac routes for cycles and pedestrians, now it is to host York's answer to the London Eye.

I am pleased to note that one councillor, Andy D'Agorne, has remembered the local residents.

Your report notes that the wheel will be only 25 metres from the river - it will also be only 55 metres from the nearest houses. I also note the throwaway line in your article that "some trees on the site would be felled".

Why Tower Gardens? St George's Field has plenty of room for the thousands of people expected, no trees that need felling, no local residents within 55 metres and plenty of room for the lorry that it is proposed will empty the effluent tanks from the toilets.

Could it be something to do with the loss of car parking spaces?

York has very few city-centre green spaces. Don't let's celebrate Royal Ascot by destroying one of them.

Nicholas Derbyshire,

South Esplanade,


Updated: 10:38 Saturday, January 29, 2005