PETER Benton walked out of Terry's for the final time after 18 years at the chocolate factory, saddened, but also looking forward to a new job - at another York confectionery firm.

The 36-year-old Acomb man was one of 66 employees who lost their jobs yesterday in the first wave of redundancies as the plant began winding down production, prior to closure later this year.

"It's a very sad day. I've really enjoyed my time here," said Peter, who along with other redundant staff attended a buffet with senior management to mark their departure. There's a lot of history and tradition. It has been a bit surreal today. People have been coming over and shaking your hand."

But he said he was looking forward to a new job across the city at Monkhill Confectionery, part of Cadbury Trebor Bassett - despite a slight drop in pay.

He said he was due to start work at the confectioners, near Poppleton, a week next Monday, and understood that about dozen or so other Terry's staff had found work there as well.

But he stressed that not everyone was so lucky as to have found a job as yet, and his thoughts were with those still searching.

Vicki Carter emerged from the factory with a group of workmates, with whom she said she would always stay friends.

"I've made some good friends," she said.

"It's pretty sad really. It has been brilliant, but life goes on. I'm glad I won't be here until the end and they're dismantling the place."

She said she had worked for a total of 14 years at the Bishopthorpe Road complex, having returned to the factory some years ago after being made redundant once before.

Having once worked as a hairdresser, she now planned to go on a waxing course at college to return to work in the beauty world.

Updated: 10:13 Saturday, January 29, 2005