AS an example of corporate crassness, it is hard to beat. Brewing giant Scottish & Newcastle's bean counters have been investigating the perks they offer to retired employees. They quickly discovered that these varied around the country.

This ought not to have surprised a company which has devoured so many smaller breweries. These are traditional, historic businesses sewn into the fabric of their communities. Each has its own way of doing things.

Nonetheless it came as a shock to money-men who know only how to standardise and rationalise. A memo went out: all pensioners to get £30 of company vouchers. Any other perk to be superseded.

At a stroke, this signalled the end of the "wet canteen". For years, former John Smith's workers have met in the old Queen's Head pub by the brewery gates to have a couple of pints on their former employers and chew over old times.

For many of these pensioners, who gave years of loyal service to the brewery, the social gatherings were the highlight of their week. The free beer was almost incidental.

Forget the huge sums spent by big business on seeking Investors In People status or sending staff on motivation courses. Here was a scheme that cost the company practically nothing but inspired tremendous goodwill.

Now it is to go. Conviviality, friendship and fun replaced by a voucher. How modern. How sad. Cheers.

Updated: 11:49 Friday, January 28, 2005