IT seems that despite months of campaigning, elderly pensioners have failed to get the council to respond sympathetically to their needs ("Changes in buses brings misery to pensioners", January 25).

This has caused discomfort and distress, particularly to those who need regular access to Gale Farm surgery.

Is it too much to ask the accountable officers to consider one vital issue when making decisions that effect people's quality of life, ie how will this change benefit the local community?

If the answer is "it won't" then surely it is a bad decision. If the answer to this is "we must do it for the greater good" then the few who will suffer could be compensated or given alternative arrangements.

Improving access to health care is complicated enough without making transport to it difficult.

Mike Wash,

Chair, the Patient and Public Involvement Forum for Selby and York Primary Care Trust,

Heath Ride,



Updated: 11:46 Friday, January 28, 2005