I AM sorry Mr Simpson was astonished at the way the Open Planning Forum on the Hungate draft planning brief was conducted last Thursday (Letters, January 25).

I am the woman who chaired the meeting, and perhaps I could explain why the draft brief was not put to a vote.

The meeting was indeed held so that people could be informed about the contents of the draft brief, and we heard about it from the two city council officers responsible, as part of their normal consultation process.

But it was not for the Open Planning Forum to approve or disapprove of the brief: that is for elected members of planning committee to do when the final version comes before them.

Our meeting was arranged to give people the opportunity to make comments, criticisms and suggestions about the content of the draft so that the officers can amend or improve the draft as appropriate. There was no decision for the Forum to take.

Mr Simpson might like to know, however, that if he wishes to make representations on the final version of the brief, he will have the opportunity to do so at the relevant planning committee meeting.

May I also say that it is not the purpose of the Open Planning Forum to take sides on matters we arrange meetings about. We are not a campaigning organisation or pressure group and our principal purpose is to facilitate a better understanding of planning matters which affect the people of York.

Alison Sinclair,

Norfolk Street,

Bishopthorpe Road, York.

Updated: 11:47 Friday, January 28, 2005