ON January 20, I attended a York Open Planning Forum meeting about the revised Development Brief for Hungate, hosted by Alison Sinclair.

Alison's performance made Kilroy Silk look like a school-boy. After blatant nitpicking at council members representing the brief, she then welcomed what were obviously her friends and associates in the audience to ridicule aspects of the proposed development.

When, in contrast, people offered positive comment toward the plans she found their remarks, including my own, irrelevant, or moved quickly to another question.

This style of presentation was, from comment at the end of the session, very obviously noticed by all who attended.

My "irrelevant" comment came after one of Alison's friends suggested that all those in favour of the development (who voted in a show of hands at a previous meeting at the Guildhall) had had their hands forced in favour of a mediocre design for the site to just get things moving. I voted for the proposed plans for several reasons but not the reason suggested. I attempted to point out this right to free thought but Ms Sinclair found my comment inappropriate to the meeting.

This pattern continued for some time until somebody suggested another vote, at which Alison called an end to the meeting which was more of a performance. If the York Open Planning Forum announce another evening I advise your readers to book early, especially if it stars Dame Sinclair!

Andy Hinkles,

Agar Street, York.

Updated: 11:47 Friday, January 28, 2005