THE founders of the original Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust must be turning in their graves - my reaction to the article which stated that a walking tour of York, in celebration of the Rowntree legacy, has been devised (January 22).

Derwenthrope is JRF's latest dream child. Except as we all know the dream child doesn't exist, and this one is most definitely no exception.

JRF, with a considerable amount of assistance from City of York Council, has put my neighbours and myself through untold worry and frustration as it has continued year upon year to implement plans which would devalue our homes, increase pollution, destroy an established area of natural beauty and the many species of wildflowers and wildlife there, destroy existing home-zone areas and increase flood risks.

Given this, you would expect that York residents would benefit from these plans in some way? Think again - 540 houses are proposed for this site, the most affordable of which would have a price tag much higher than homes in some of the established local areas.

York council's planning committee is meeting at 4.30pm at The Guildhall on Monday, in order to approve or reject this proposal.

I urge anyone who objects to this proposal to attend the meeting and if you wish to address the committee regarding your concerns please call the democracy office for the planning committee on 01904 551027.

H Hayes,

Ingleborough Avenue,


Updated: 11:48 Friday, January 28, 2005