WE are writing to express our great disappointment at the decision of Post Offices Ltd to close the post office in the Bishopthorpe Road shopping area.

We feel this decision is a disgrace which shows scant regard for the needs of the local community, particularly its older residents and young families who need a post office within easy reach of their homes and in one of York's main local shopping areas.

The fact that this community has already lost the neighbouring Albemarle Road post office adds insult to injury.

We would like to thank all the residents who took part in the campaign to save our local post offices. The response to our petition was magnificent, with 1,500 signing up in support of their local branch.

Sadly, this so-called "consultation" has now been exposed as a total fraud. What kind of consultation is it, when the local community unites with one voice to say they must not lose their post office, then the decision is made to shut it anyway?

The case the community made for retaining its post office was clear and overwhelming, and we understand that the watchdog Postwatch also agreed Bishopthorpe Road should remain open.

It is to Post Office Ltd's great discredit that they chose to ignore the views of the people they should surely put first - their customers.

We hope our MP Hugh Bayley will take this appalling decision up with the minister for postal services.

Coun Dave Evans,

Coun Dave Merrett,

Coun Sandy Fraser,

Micklegate ward councillors,


Updated: 11:49 Friday, January 28, 2005