Embarking on the road to health and fitness, a collective 12 stone seems a lot of weight for these Shape Up entrants to shift.

But all seven, from York, have individual reasons to strive for better health, and are determined to boost their confidence, lower their blood pressure and achieve their targets.

Ann Harrison

Retired nurse Ann Harrison, 51, of Upper Poppleton, wants to improve her health and fitness after a battle with breast cancer.

Ann, who was diagnosed two years ago, says chemotherapy and radiotherapy took its toll on her body and she wants the chance to pamper herself.

"My body's been battered about a bit and I don't want to do this to lose weight. It's more about lifestyle and fitness," she said.

"I don't want to work my upper body, but it would be nice to use the treadmill, to go walking and hopefully a bit of swimming. I don't do any exercise at the moment so hopefully it will improve my confidence.

A mother of three, Ann has one grandchild and two on the way. "They're like the light at the end of the tunnel," she said.

Mary and Dave Breslin

Husband and wife team Mary and Dave Breslin, of Rawcliffe, have placed a bet as to who can lose the most weight.

The pair were in the licensing trade for years and want to slim down and tone up.

"I'm 5ft 4ins and I want to lose half a stone to take me back down to eight-and-a-half stone," said Mary, 54. "My husband needs to lose a lot of weight but he needs some motivation to do it.

"We're both very determined, so it's going to be interesting."

Dave, 56, ran the London Marathon in 2000, but says the weight has piled on since then.

"I'm 5ft 10ins and fifteen-and-a-half stone," he said. "I've become lazy since leaving the licensing trade and I need to lose two stone."

Christine Barker

Fifty-year-old Christine Barker, of Huntington, is fed up of being 50, fat and frumpy and wants to be "50, thin and fabulous".

At 5ft, the married mother-of-three weighs 12st 5lb and wants to get down to nine.

"I used to be a postmistress and leaving is probably why I put on weight," she said. "I've been trying to loose weight for a while but I don,t seem to be able to get motivated so when I saw the competition in the Evening Press I thought that might be just what I needed.

"I used to enjoy going for long country walks but I don't seem to have the energy now I've put on weight."

Neil Phillips

Factory manager Neil Phillips, 40, of Green Hammerton, has been told to lose weight by his doctor.

A married father of three, Neil suffers from high blood pressure and has seen a heart specialist.

"I have to lose weight, I've known that for years, but I can't do it without a challenge," he said. "A few years ago I did a sponsored slim and I lost two stone, but I've put it all back on again.

"I weigh 15 stone 7lb and at 5ft 10ins, my ideal weight would be 12 stone, but if I can get rid of two stone and get to 12st 7lb then I'll be happy."

"I've got an exercise bike and I'm on it most nights while I watch TV, but I don't really pay any attention to what I eat. I've set myself a goal to be in shape for the start of the cricket season."

Karen Davies

Karen Davies, 42, of Woodthorpe, says her only weekly exercise is a 20-hour job as a chambermaid at Bar Convent.

A mother of three, Karen described herself as an "overweight mum going insane" and aims to lose two stone.

"I've got a real sweet tooth and I'm a big fan of chocolate," she said. "I eat a lot of salads and healthy stuff as well but I do like my sweets.

"I'm 5ft 2ins and weigh 11.3 stone and although I've lost a lot of weight before, unfortunately I put it all back on again.

"This time I'm very determined and I think as I'm 42, it's now or never."

Ellen Brigham

Ellen Brigham, 37, of Clifton, is the mother of four children and wants to reinvent herself with the help of Shape Up.

"My kids are aged between 18 and four and the youngest has just started full-time school, so I want to get back into work," she said.

"Losing weight will help me build up my confidence; last time I weighed myself I was about 11 stone, but I'm only 5ft tall so my ideal weight would be about seven-and-a-half stone. If I can get to nine-and-a-half then I'll be really happy, as I weighed 15 stone two years ago.

"I smoke and I want to stop, but I'm scared of the weight gain. I eat a balanced diet, or as much as you can on a budget.

"Running after four kids and looking after three dogs is as much exercise as I get at the moment."

Shape Up weigh-ins

All Shape Up entrants will now be weighed on alternate Fridays.

Weigh-in days are: February 11, February 25, March 14 and March 28.

To arrange an alternative weigh-in appointment phone Courtney's on 01904 642111.

Updated: 09:42 Friday, January 28, 2005