ELDERLY York residents say they were told by police officers to "stay indoors" to avoid a gang of yobs terrorising their neighbourhood.

The Evening Press reported the plight of Ruth Wilks, who was driven to install CCTV cameras at her home in Monkton Road, after being targeted by a 50-strong gang of drunken teenagers for more than five years.

Mrs Wilks, 52, said her house was a magnet for trouble as it backed on to a popular teenage hangout, The 68 Centre.

Now other residents, whose flats overlook the centre, say they are made virtual prisoners in their own homes by the gang.

A 70-year-old man, from nearby Morritt Close, who is too frightened to be named, said he was told by police officers not to go outside when the youths were there. He said the gang regularly tried to set fire to trees in an alleyway at the back of the centre, and claimed they gathered there to drink and smoke dope.

"I don't come out of my house any more," he said. "Since Christmas they've been outside here every night. My elderly neighbour has nearly had a breakdown."

The pensioner revealed the gang had threatened to kill him on several occasions, and said a milkman had been robbed of milk and eggs last week, but was too scared to report it. On Tuesday night, he said several pushbikes were smashed outside their flats and the tyres thrown at the windows. One 80-year-old woman, from Morritt Close, said: "It's hell on earth. The police don't do anything."

Local councillor Paul Blanchard said he was "appalled" by the gang's behaviour. "When decent people are virtual prisoners in their own homes it simply cannot go on," he said.

"Let's get an ASBO on these idiots and get them banned from the area."

City of York Council, which operates the 68 Centre, has now called for an urgent meeting with the police to discuss the issues.

"One option would be to complete the boundary fencing round the centre, for which we would need to consult with local residents," a spokeswoman said.

Chief Inspector Andy Bell said no arrests had yet been made following the publication of Mrs Wilk's pictures. He said officers urged the elderly residents not to approach the gang for their own safety.

Updated: 10:18 Thursday, January 27, 2005