BOTH are multi-million selling acts and innovators in their own fields, so it's puzzling why they thought anyone other than diehard fans would appreciate a half-hearted attempt at jumping on the bootleg bandwagon.

While the "mash-up" concept works when Jay-Z lays his grittier lyrics down over Linkin Park's rock angst in Numb/Encore, the decision to put In The End and Papercut over the party beats of Izzo and Big Pimpin' is baffling. The accompanying documentary DVD is, however, worth a look. If you want to know how a mash-up should be done, find last year's download phenomenon The Grey Album by Danger Mouse, which put the vocal content of Jay-Z's Black Album over beats created from the Beatles' White Album.

Updated: 09:12 Thursday, January 27, 2005