ISN'T it nice to be consulted? A whole industry now exists to ask us what we think. From New Labour's "Big Conversation" down, our views are constantly sought.

Then, as often as not, they are completely disregarded. No more blatantly so than by Post Office Ltd over its branch closure programme.

Last summer it announced plans to axe thousands of sub post offices, with seven in York on the list. At the same time it announced a full public consultation, run by Postwatch.

The closures were condemned by councillors of all parties and Hugh Bayley MP. Hundreds of York people wrote letters urging the Post Office to keep these branches open, and yet more signed a petition. The public had spoken. With one voice they demanded their post offices stayed in business.

So how did the Post Office respond? It announced in October that six of the seven would shut. A decision on Bishopthorpe Road Post Office would follow.

And so it has, with depressing predictability. Bishopthorpe Road is to go too. No matter that this robs South Bank of two branches, with Albemarle Road already lost. No matter that communities across York are now deprived of an important local service and focal point.

All those who protested will feel conned. The consultation has proved a cynical sham unworthy of our once-trusted Post Office.

Updated: 11:38 Wednesday, January 26, 2005