THERE are two key issues which need highlighting about Linton-on-Ouse airfield.

The issue of safety is not simply about the tower having visual contact with planes taking off and landing. The tower must have visual contact with planes throughout the whole circuit and the present flight pattern makes this impossible. So the present pattern is unsafe.

Secondly, this is about privacy and peace for all, not just for a few. The spokeswoman for the Noise Liaison Group (NLG) claims she represents people from several settlements. But so does SAFA, and many more at that.

The conclusion is to find a solution which satisfies the needs of all, and not to simply bat the problem elsewhere as NLG appears to be content to do.

This requires statesmanlike behaviour from Hambleton District Council and other interested parties.

Gary Craig,


Newton-on-Ouse, York.

Updated: 11:36 Wednesday, January 26, 2005