THOSE who feel that wind farms are ugly should look at the likes of small windmills that can be placed on existing buildings (see WindSave at

These can provide a significant amount of energy direct to a house, supplementing existing power supplied by the national grid.

There are a number of such small-scale technologies that can be deployed on existing houses and other buildings which can reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.

I should also like to see the council insist its own buildings - such as those being planned when staff moves from its existing buildings - and other office buildings etc be built to energy conservation standards.

Typically, for a two per cent additional building cost up to 30 per cent energy savings can be achieved which offsets the initial investment in two years. Coupled with local generation, there is a potential for significant reduction of energy consumption from new buildings.

Aaron Turner,

Sherwood Grove,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 09:27 Thursday, January 20, 2005