LIKE Emma Joyce (Letters, January 13), I think the owners of Escrick Park should be allowed to build wind turbines on their land.

Not only do I find them hypnotically attractive, but I believe they are an essential part of trying to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions from generating power.

We need to build as many as we can. In fact I am now awaiting two quotes from two Scottish companies who have recently developed rooftop wind turbines, with a blade diameter of two metres.

They are capable of generating several hundred pounds worth of clean electricity every year. This would increase the value of my house.

I was told about these new devices by the Yorkshire Renewable Energy Network, which supplies information about how to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

If readers want to know how they could switch to renewables, they should telephone 01422 846648 or email or visit

John Cossham,

Hull Road, York.

Updated: 09:28 Thursday, January 20, 2005