PRIOR to 2004 my only claim to fame for letter writing was being the last 20th century Evening Press reader to have a letter published.

This year, what started as a challenge from my son in law as to who would have the most letters printed, turned into a regular column in readers' letters which has acquired a following of avid readers.

I cannot take all of the credit for this, some of the credit goes to Paul Hepworth and the cycling fraternity, some to Tony Blair's Government but most of all to the ruling Lib Dem City of York Council, which has made so many controversial decisions and so provided me with so much material.

I would like to wish my readers a Happy New Year. I cannot promise that I will be such a prolific writer in 2005 but, with the record so far of the aforementioned trio, who knows?

AP Cox,

Heath Close,

Holgate, York.

Updated: 08:47 Monday, January 03, 2005