RUTH Thompson may have had her unfair share of tragedy, but her company, Horseshoe Weddings And Events Ltd, has brought her a few dollops of luck too thanks to Posh and Becks.

David and Victoria Beckham both gave the Nether Poppleton businesswoman their financial support after she invited them to a celebrity ball she had organised in York in aid of the Georgina Grace Trust, a charity which supports disabled children and their families.

It was a charity set up in the name of Georgina, her own disabled daughter who was born in July 2004 with a virus which meant she was unable to use her left side.

Ruth, whose background is in financial services, launched Horseshoe as a way of being productive yet allowing her the time required for the hospital visits Georgina needed and to look after her three-year-old son, Adam.

The business started well, then suddenly went on hold this year as Ruth's health failed. She found herself in hospital for more than eight weeks following a blood clot on her lung, but clients stayed loyal until she recovered.

Now the venture is flourishing to such an extent that Ruth has entered both the Small Business of the Year and Women in Enterprise Award categories in the 2006 Press Business Awards.

Ruth said: "There has been a steady growth in corporate events and I am also handling some weddings."

Meanwhile, her relationship with the Beckhams is ongoing. Through Victoria's mother, Jackie Adams, the contributions from the famous couple still keep rolling in.

So far the contributions they have made to Ruth for her own trust, as well the Child Development Centre at York Hospital and Kids (Yorkshire and Humber), total £5,000.

"They are always there when we need them," said Ruth.