I WOULD like to draw readers' attention to a lovely little horse sanctuary situated on Leeds outer ring road.

Hope Pastures horse and pony sanctuary is running a winter appeal as the costs of looking after larger animals in winter always goes up.

There are many ways in which readers can help, including sponsoring a horse, pony or mule, sending a donation, donating unwanted clothing or bric-a-brac (rugs and blankets are welcome now), or just visiting the residents to give them cuddles and treats - they are particularly partial to carrots and apples.

Hope Pastures is open to the public seven days a week from 10am-3pm and the horses and their carers always look forward to meeting new people.

If you would like to make a donation, you can send it to Hope Pastures Horse and Pony Sanctuary, Weetwood Lane, Weetwood, Leeds LS16 5PH. For more information email phtrust@fsmail.net or contact Lynn, a trustee, on 0113 2791856 (evenings only).

Sarah Bramley,

Gordon Street,


Updated: 10:18 Tuesday, November 23, 2004