COUNCILLOR Potter criticises the Lib Dems for not building enough affordable homes in York (Letters, November 19).

The facts of the matter are clear.

In the last year of Labour control, 54 affordable homes were built in York.

In the current financial year, 352 affordable homes will be built. All of these received planning permission under Liberal Democrat control.

As for her complaints that Lib Dems have not implemented a 50 per cent rate for affordable housing in new developments quickly enough, Labour had 20 years of power to implement such a policy but chose to do nothing on the matter.

Coun Potter could have heard all the above facts first hand had she bothered to be in the chamber when this matter was discussed at the last council meeting. The fact that she didn't speaks volumes about where her priorities lie.

Coun Sue Sunderland,

Farmlands Road,



Updated: 12:05 Monday, November 22, 2004